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心宜BB 2020-06-10 01:45

部屋論壇活動-觸動的音符-Kodaline-High Hopes

Game ID: 妍希BB

My best friend in this world committed suicide just over a year ago. This was our song. It was so special to us in a way words cannot explain. I loved her so much. The depression, unfortunately, finally won out. I spoke to her hours before she did it. I truly thought she was having an OK day/night by her standards. I guess not. At least I got to say, "I love you" one last....
我特別的感觸,尤其是從女主角上車到他們被槍殺後看到走馬燈的那一整段...那段影片拍出了一種簡單平凡的幸福,兩個人很自在地一起生活、啜飲、聊天、出遊、散步,非常熟悉彼此,也非常珍愛對方,對於其他事物就像別無所求一樣。請珍惜你的最愛們...很美的一首歌...希望大家看到帖子都聽一聽到...i gon' miss you forever...
我沒有在哭 晚安..    

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